
×Rowleyara P.V.Heath ()
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Nothogenus for intergeneric hybrids between Epiphyllum, Heliocereus, Nopalxochia and Selenicereus.

The names of nothogenera for tetrageneric hybrids are formed "from a personal name to which is added the termination ‑ara" (article H.6.3, International Code of Nomenclature). The suffix -ara to denote a multigeneric hybrid was introduced by the Orchid Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society for orchid hybrids in 1909 (Elliott in Occ. Pap. RHS Lindley Libr. 2: 28. 2010) and has been included in the International Code of Nomenclature since 1952 (article H.4, Stockholm Code).

Named for British botanist Gordon Rowley (1921-2019).

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 05). ×Rowleyara. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/rowleyara