Rhodocactus sacharosa

Rhodocactus sacharosa (Griseb.) Backeb. ()
🌡 Author(s)
🌡 BasionymPereskia sacharosa ()
🌡 Basionym author(s)
🌡 Basionym published in Abh. Kânigl. Ges. Wiss. Gâttingen 24: 141 (1879)

Quechua sacharosa (sacha ‘wild, false’ + rosa ‘rose’), the local vernacular name for the plant, which refers to the rose-like flowers. Compare the generic name Rhodocactus (Greek rhodon ‘rose’ + Cactus). The epithet is a noun in apposition and should not be changed to sacharosus, as is sometimes seen. Sometimes misspelled saccharosa under the inluence of the unrelated saccharose ‘sucrose’.

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Sep 28). Rhodocactus sacharosa. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/rhodocactus-sacharosa