Pilosocereus diersianus

Pilosocereus diersianus (Esteves) P.J.Braun ()
🌵 Author(s)
🌵 BasionymPseudopilocereus diersianus ()
🌵 Basionym author(s)
🌵 Basionym published in Kakteen And. Sukk. 32(4): 90 (1981)

Named for German botanist and cactus specialist Prof. Lothar Diers (1932-). Esteves: “Since I am working intensively on this and other cactus genera occurring in my home country together with Prof. Dr. Lothar Diers of the University of Cologne, I would like to name the taxon described here after him.”

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 22). Pilosocereus diersianus. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/pilosocereus-diersianus