
×Phyllocereus C.Knebel, , ()
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Nothogenus for intergeneric hybrids between Heliocereus and Phyllocactus.

The names of nothogenera for bigeneric hybrids are formed by combining the names of the parental genera "into a single word, using the first part or the whole of one, the last part or the whole of the other (but not the whole of both) and, optionally, a connecting vowel" (article H.6.2, International Code of Nomenclature).

This name is invalid because the parentage was not cited and illegitimate as a younger homonym of Phyllocereus Miq. and on account of the illegitimacy of the parent genus Phyllocactus. Erroneously attributed to Gottfried Knebel in IPNI.

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 05). ×Phyllocereus. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/phyllocereus-2