
Ortegocactus Alexander ()
🌵 Author(s)
🌵 Type Ortegocactus macdougallii

Ortega + Cactus. Named for the Ortega family of San José Lachiguirí, who assisted Alexander. Not for Mexican botanist Jesús González Ortega (1876–1936), as is sometimes claimed.

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 05). Ortegocactus. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/ortegocactus


Ross Bayton (2019): The Garderner's Botanical

“Botanical Latin is essentially a written language, but the scientific names of plants often occur in speech. How they are pronounced really matters little provided they sound pleasant and are understood by all concerned.”

William T. Stearn (1983): Botanical Latin, 3rd Edition: 53