Helianthocereus subgen. Euhelianthocereus

Helianthocereus subgen. Euhelianthocereus Backeb. ()
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🌵 Type Trichocereus poco

Greek eu- 'true', a prefix attached to the name of a genus to indicate a subdivision that includes the type of the genus + Helianthocereus. Names formed this way are invalid under articles 21.3 and 22.2 of the International Code of Nomenclature. The correct name of this subgenus is Helianthocereus subgen. Helianthocereus.

When Backeberg recognized two subgenera in a genus he usually prefixed the one including the type with Eu- (Greek eu- 'true') and the one not including the type with Neo- (Greek neos 'new'): Astrophytum subgen. Euastrophytum and Neoastrophytum, Cereus subgen. Eucereus and Neocereus, Coryphantha subgen. Eucoryphantha and Neocoryphantha, Helianthocereus subgen. Euhelianthocereus and Neohelianthocereus, Lobivia subgen. Eulobivia and Neolobivia, Notocactus subgen. Eunotocactus and Neonotocactus, Rebutia subgen. Eurebutia and Neorebutia, Peireskia subgen. Eupeireskia and Neopeireskia.

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2023 Nov 30). Helianthocereus subgen. Euhelianthocereus. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/helianthocereus-subgen-euhelianthocereus

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