Grusonia emoryi

Grusonia emoryi (Engelm.) Pinkava ()
🌵 Author(s)
🌵 BasionymOpuntia emoryi ()
🌵 Basionym author(s)
🌵 Basionym published in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts iii: 303 (1857)

Named for American surveyor and civil engineer Major General William Hemsley Emory (1811-1887), director of the Mexican boundary inspection. 

The English names Stanly’s club cholla and Peebles’s cholla originally referred to Grusonia stanlyi (Opuntia stanlyi) and Opuntia stanlyi var. peeblesiana, which are now considered synonyms of Grusonia emoryi. The name Wright’s club cholla, given by Edward F. Anderson (The Cactus Family. 2001) for both Grusonia emoryi and Grusonia kunzei, is based on Grusonia wrightiana, once another variety of Opuntia stanlyi (Opuntia stanlyi var. wrightiana), but now considered a synonym of Grusonia kunzei.

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 14). Grusonia emoryi. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from