
Erdisia Britton & Rose ()
🌡 Author(s)

🌡 Type Erdisia squarrosa

Erdis + Latin -Δ­a, the recommended suffix to form plant genus names from personal names that end with a consonant (Rec. 60B.1(b), International Code of Nomenclature). Named for Ellwood C. Erdis (1867-1944), “who was in charge of the topographical work of the Yale University Peruvian Expedition, 1914”, during which he collected specimens of Erdisia squarrosa.

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2023 Jul 16). Erdisia. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from

Other resources
🌡 Biodiversity Heritage Library
🌡 Wikipedia
🌡 Wikispecies