Backebergia chrysomallus

Backebergia chrysomallus (Lem.) Bravo ()
šŸŒµ Author(s)
šŸŒµ BasionymPilocereus chrysomallus ()
šŸŒµ Basionym author(s)
šŸŒµ Type of Backebergia

Greek chrysos ‘gold’ + mallos ‘flock of wool’ (translated as ‘fur, muff’ in the original protologue). For the color and shape of the cephalium.

Note: chrysomallus is a noun in apposition that should not be made to agree with the generic name as if it were an adjective. The spelling Backebergia chrysomalla, as used by Joƫl LodƩ in Taxonomy of the Cactaceae, is incorrect.

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 05). Backebergia chrysomallus. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from