
×Acanthosalpingolobivia Y.Itô, ()
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Greek akantha ‘spine’ + Salpingolobivia. Incorrectly formed nothogenus name for hybrids between ×Chamaelobivia (= Chamaecereus × Lobivia) and Salpingolobivia.

With 22 letters, this is the second-longest name for a vascular plant genus ever published. The longest is ×Marcchristopherstormara P.A.Storm & J.M.H.Shaw (Orchidaceae) with 23 letters.

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 05). ×Acanthosalpingolobivia. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/acanthosalpingolobivia