
Piptanthocereus (A.Berger) Riccob. ()
🌵 Author(s)
🌵 BasionymCereus subgen. Piptanthocereus ()
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🌵 Type Piptanthocereus azureus

Greek piptein ‘to fall down’ + Greek anthos ‘flower’ + Cereus, the name of a genus of columnar cacti and a designation for columnar cacti in general. For the perianth that falls off “soon after flowering, a little above the ovary, as neatly as if they had been cut off. The style remains” (Berger).

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 05). Piptanthocereus. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/Piptanthocereus