
×Aporophyllum hort. ex D.R.Hunt ()
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Nothogenus for intergeneric hybrids between Aporocactus and Epiphyllum.

The names of nothogenera for bigeneric hybrids are formed by combining the names of the parental genera "into a single word, using the first part or the whole of one, the last part or the whole of the other (but not the whole of both) and, optionally, a connecting vowel" (article H.6.2, International Code of Nomenclature).

Not to be confused with ×Aporophyllum H.Johnson (1952), which is an invalid name for Aporocactus × “Orchid Cacti” and hence a synonym of “epicactus“. It is also invalid because it appeared in a trade catalogue (article 30.7, International Code of Nomenclature).

How to cite

Maarten H.J. van der Meer (2022 Feb 05). ×Aporophyllum. Dictionary of Cactus Names. Retrieved from https://www.cactusnames.org/Aporophyllum